Spanish Title: Efecto del estiramiento estático de 15, 30 y 60 segundos sobre el rango de movimiento de la flexión de cadera con rodilla extendida
Objective: To evaluate the effect of three passive static stretching durations, 15, 30 and 60 seconds (s) to increase hip flexion range of motion (HF-ROM).
Methods: We conducted a randomized controlled trial in a sample of nine female students (21.7 ± 4.3 years). They were randomly assigned to one of three groups, 15 (G15), 30 (G30), and 60 (G60) s, n = 3 in each group. Isquitotibiales stretching was performed in the supine position, maximum hip flexion; knee extended and foot dorsiflexed using an elastic band, 3 times per week for a 3-week period. The main outcome was changed in HF-ROM left and right at the end of the intervention. We used the Student t-test and the ANOVA.
Results: The differences between before and after measurements in G15 and G30 were statistically significant for the right HF-ROM. No significant differences
were found neither in the right HF-ROM of the G60 group or in any group of the left HF-ROM. There were no differences in the increase in HF-ROM between groups or between hemi-bodies (p> 0.05).
Conclusion: The passive static stretching of 15 to 30 s duration was effective in increasing the right HF-ROM. Future studies are needed with adequate sample size to detect differences in the increase of HF-ROM depending on the duration of stretching and hemi-body.
Keywords: Hip, stretching exercises, physical therapy modalities, women, range of motion.