Spanish Title: Aproximación a la realidad en salud y educación de las personas en condición de discapacidad de Los Santos, Santander. 2010-2011
We present the health and education reality of disabled persons (DP) from Los Santos, Santander in 2010 and 2011. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was done with the instrument “Survey of Persons with Disabilities and its caregiver”. An interview was performed by 17 last year students of Physiotherapy and Bacteriology previously trained. Information was collected from 108 DP (48.1% female). With reference to health, the conditions that most affect them are nervous system disorders (64.8%), with a principal diagnosis of Epilepsy (18%) and Cerebral Palsy (15%). 89.6% of DP belongs to a subsidized health regime, 61% went once to rehabilitation, and physiotherapy was the main service received (63.2%); the primary reason for not attending rehabilitation was the lack of financial resources (45.7%). Regarding education, for DP aged three years old and more, 46.2% could not read or write, 37.4% of DP would not continue studying if they have the opportunity, and 33.6% did not know or did not answer this question. In terms of education, support services to DP who are enrolled in school, 50% have pedagogical support and the remaining do not have any service. Furthermore, 62.5% believe that teachers do not adequately address the special needs of DP and 58.5% believe that the education of DP has not been responsive to their needs. We conclude that disability is a public health problem affecting the health and education of DP, reducing their individual development and the opportunities for integration into society.
Key-words: Disabled Persons, Education, Health Services