Spanish Title: Reproducibilidad de las pruebas Arm Curl y Chair Stand para evaluar resistencia muscular en población adulta mayor
Objective: to assess the test-retest reliability and level of agreement between measures of the 30-seconds (30-s) Arm Curl and 30-s Chair Stand test in a sample of older adults from Bucaramanga.
Materials and methods: a study of evaluation of diagnostic technology was done. Both tests were administered by the same evaluator to 111 adults older than 59-year-old (70,4 ± 7,3), on two occasions, with an interval of time between measures of 4 to 8 days. In the analysis, test-retest reliability was determined using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC= 2,1 with their confidence interval of 95% (95% CI) respective. The agreement level was established by the Bland and Altman method.
Results: the test-retest reproducibility of the 30-s Arm Curl test was very good ICC= 0,88 and the Chair Stand test was good ICC= 0,78. The agreement was very good for both tests of muscle endurance. The 95% CI was between -3,8 and 3,2 for the 30-s Chair Stand test and between -3,1 and 2,8 curls for the 30-s Arm Curl test.
Conclusion: the 30-s Arm Curl and the 30-s Chair Stand test have good reliability and agreement to assess muscle endurance in older adults functionally independent.
Keywords: physical fitness function, reliability, muscle endurance, elderly.