Spanish Title: Control de calidad de la leucorredución de plaquetas obtenidas por aféresis por medio de Cámara de Nageotte y Cell-Din Ruby
Objective: to compare using two different methodologies residual white blood cell count in order to provide safer blood components. The blood components obtained from apheresis offer greater safety to patients at the time of blood transfusion; verifying leukoreduction differentiator.
Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in the Colombia Hematológica Foundation, Bogotá. Simple random sampling was performed from the list entered in a blood drive for the purpose of verification of residual white blood cell count by Nageotte chamber and Cell Dyn Ruby © © units. Measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables were applied (95%) and Spearman correlation analysis for satisfactory procedures (t-test); data analysis was performed on SPSS Version IBM © program 19.
Results: The study population consisted of 124 samples of platelets obtained by apheresis. In relation to cell count for the two methodologies presented an average of 0,057 vs 0,003 cells counted; the maximum value for the two methods was 0.34 to 0.44.
Conclusions: The samples analyzed presented residual white blood cell counts below 5.0 x 106 estimated to set the drive as leukoreduced with this finding value puts the safety of transfused platelets obtained by apheresis aspects reactions to evidence transfusion rWBC additionally could be used safely leaving platelets into consideration the use of filters to leucorredución.
Keywords: Blood, blood banks, quality control, leukocyte count.