Barriers for the participation in cardiac rehabilitation programmes in patients undergoing percutaneous revascularisation due to a coronary disease

Sánchez-Delgado, J.C. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Jácome Hortúa, A. and Malaver-Vega, Y. and Schmalbach-Aponte, E. and Díaz-Díaz, C.
Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia, 23(2): 141-147, 2016

Spanish Title: Barreras para la participación en programas de rehabilitación cardiaca en pacientes sometidos a revascularización percutánea por enfermedad coronaria


Objective: To describe the barriers found in those who participated or not in cardiac rehabilitation programmes after percutaneous revascularisation.
Methods: Cross-sectional study of 30 patients, who have applied the barrier scale for cardiac rehabilitation, using Likert-type questions, where the highest scores indicated a bigger perception of the barrier to participate in a cardiac rehabilitation programme.
Results: The major barriers per item were: «I find this exercise is tiring and/or painful» with an average of 2.86, followed by «I currently exercise» and «I did not know about cardiac rehabilitation» with an average of 2.73. The lowest score was: «Many people have heart problems and do not go», with 1.73. More barriers were shown in those who did not attend a cardiac rehabilitation programme (p < 0.05) than those who did; in addition, most barriers were found in the fields of perceived needs and comorbidities/functional state (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: This indicates a lack of orientation and education when it comes to the benefits that users could obtain by joining and participating in a cardiac rehabilitation programme, no matter how they feel or the type of functional limitations they may have.

Keywords: Coronary disease, Rehabilitation, Angioplasty, Prevention

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