Characterization of disabled people with permanent limitations in mobility and self-care in Giron, Colombia

Villamizar-García, M.C. and Bueno-Balaguer, L.A. and Ordóñez-Chaussinant, M.X. and Martínez-Marín, R.P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Ávila-Galván, J.A. and López-Duarte, S.A. and Murillo-Rincón, G. and Rodríguez-Miranda, M.A. and Sanabria-Jerez, M. and Villar-Ballesta, K.J.
Fisioterapia, 37(5): 237-245, 2015

Spanish Title: Caracterización de la discapacidad en población con limitaciones permanentes en movilidad o autocuidado, Girón, Colombia


Objective: To determine the characteristics of people with permanent limitations in mobility and self-care in 17 districts of the urban area of Giron, Santander 2012-2013.
Materials and methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted using the tool Register for the Location and characterization of the disabled people (RLCDP), designed by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). Previously trained physiotherapy students interviewed caregivers or disabled people.
Results: A total of 189 people were studied of 50.3% women, and 45.5% between 60 and 100 years old. A large majority (79.9%) had alterations in body movement, hands, arms and legs. As regards activities and participation, 91% had difficult to walk, run, jump, and 41.3% found it difficult to lead, move, and use objects with hands. Of the bodily functions, 60.3% involved mobility. General illness diseases were the main cause of disability (33.9%).
Conclusions: A high percentage of persons with permanent mobility limitations and caring for themselves in the urban area of Girona are older adults from socioeconomic level 2. The predominant mobility limitations are in the hands, arms, and legs, with involvement in at least two body structures.

Keywords: Disabled persons, Disability evaluation, Mobility limitations, Self-care, International classification of functioning, disability and health

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