Analysis of the running pattern on artificial and natural surface in adolescent football players
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López-Gómez, B. and Pérez-Mendoza, D. and Guzmán-Revelo, J. and Rangel-Caballero, L. and Corzo-Vargas, Y. and Facioli, T. d. P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Sanchez Delgado, J.
López-Gómez, B. and Pérez-Mendoza, D. and Guzmán-Revelo, J. and Rangel-Caballero, L. and Corzo-Vargas, Y. and Facioli, T. d. P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Sanchez Delgado, J.
Evaluation of the perception of a university group of teachers about education as a social phenomenon in Colombia
Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3): 170-180, 2016
Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Moreno-Collazos, J.E. and Cruz-Bermudez, H.F. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Vélez-Ramírez, A.
Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Moreno-Collazos, J.E. and Cruz-Bermudez, H.F. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Vélez-Ramírez, A.
Characterization of disabled people with permanent limitations in mobility and self-care in Giron, Colombia
Fisioterapia, 37(5): 237-245, 2015
Villamizar-García, M.C. and Bueno-Balaguer, L.A. and Ordóñez-Chaussinant, M.X. and Martínez-Marín, R.P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Ávila-Galván, J.A. and López-Duarte, S.A. and Murillo-Rincón, G. and Rodríguez-Miranda, M.A. and Sanabria-Jerez, M. and Villar-Ballesta, K.J.
Villamizar-García, M.C. and Bueno-Balaguer, L.A. and Ordóñez-Chaussinant, M.X. and Martínez-Marín, R.P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Ávila-Galván, J.A. and López-Duarte, S.A. and Murillo-Rincón, G. and Rodríguez-Miranda, M.A. and Sanabria-Jerez, M. and Villar-Ballesta, K.J.
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Revista Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud UDES, 1(1):29-35, 2014
Ariza-García, C. and Boneth-Collante, M. and Angarita-Fonseca, A and Corredor-Moreno, A. and Cárdenas-Castellanos, S.
Ariza-García, C. and Boneth-Collante, M. and Angarita-Fonseca, A and Corredor-Moreno, A. and Cárdenas-Castellanos, S.
Hepatitis prevalence and associated factors for coinfection with other infectious markers in a blood bank, 2006-2011
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Harold Cruz Bermúdez y Adriana Angarita Fonseca y Mónica Restrepo Sierra y Sandra Forero
Harold Cruz Bermúdez y Adriana Angarita Fonseca y Mónica Restrepo Sierra y Sandra Forero
Motivational aspects of voluntary blood donors in a collection point of the city of Bogota, Colombia
Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica, 15(1): 19-26, 2012
Cruz Bermudez, H. F. and Moreno Collazos, J. E. and Angarita Fonseca, A. and Calderón Serrano, C. Y. and Restrepo Sierra, M. P.
Cruz Bermudez, H. F. and Moreno Collazos, J. E. and Angarita Fonseca, A. and Calderón Serrano, C. Y. and Restrepo Sierra, M. P.
Current status of twin pregnancy. A literature review
Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud, 44(3): 41-48, 2012
Vallejo Ardila, D. L. AND Rangel Diaz, Y. A. AND Angarita Fonseca, A. AND Cardona, E. P.
Vallejo Ardila, D. L. AND Rangel Diaz, Y. A. AND Angarita Fonseca, A. AND Cardona, E. P.
Reliability of Arm Curl and Chair Stand tests for assessing muscular endurance in older people
Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 10(2): 15-29, 2012
Collantes, M.B. and García, C.L.A. and Fonseca, A.A. and Patiño, J.P. and Monsalve, A. and Gómez, E.
Collantes, M.B. and García, C.L.A. and Fonseca, A.A. and Patiño, J.P. and Monsalve, A. and Gómez, E.
Social preconceptions of voluntary blood donors in a specific location. Bogota – Colombia
Investigaciones Andina, 13(23): 250-257, 2011
Cruz Bermudez, H. F. and Moreno Collazos, J. E. and Angarita-Fonseca, A.
Cruz Bermudez, H. F. and Moreno Collazos, J. E. and Angarita-Fonseca, A.