Publications : Journal Article

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Reproducibility of a test for the functional evaluation of dynamic balance and agility in elderly people

Iatreia, 27(3): 290-298, 2014
Fonseca, A.A. and García, C.L.A. and Collante, M.C.B. and Patiño, J.P. and Santisteban, R.N.R. and Carrascal, Y.T.A.
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Characterization of the disability in a sample of children with Cerebral Palsy from Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area, Colombia

Revista Facultad de Medicina, 61(2): 185-194, 2013
Martínez-Marín, R.P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Rojas-Gutiérrez, M. and Rojas-Pérez, K. and Velandia-Rojas, E.
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Evaluation of prevalence reasons for inactivity and risk factors in a group of university students. Chía – Colombia

Enfermeria Global, 13(2): 114-122, 2014
Moreno Collazos, J.E. and Cruz Bermúdez, H.F. and Angarita Fonseca, A.
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Knowledge and attitudes towards promoting blood donation among physiotherapy professors – Universidad de Santander

Universidad y Salud, 13(2):181-186, 2013
Angarita Fonseca, A. and Cruz Bermúdez, H.F. and Moreno Collazos, J.E.
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Postural impairments in schoolchildren from 8 to 12 years old in a public high school in 2010

Universidad y Salud, 15(1): 22-33, 2013
Martinez Marín, R. d. P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A.
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Face validity of the assessment of life habits instrument (MHAVIDA) in disabled persons aged 5-13 years

Ciencia e Innovación en Salud, 1(1):18-26, 2013
Santamaría Pinzón, O. L. and Camden, C. and Angarita-Fonseca, A.
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Hepatitis prevalence and associated factors for coinfection with other infectious markers in a blood bank, 2006-2011

Medicina U.P.B, 32(2): 121-128, 2013
Harold Cruz Bermúdez y Adriana Angarita Fonseca y Mónica Restrepo Sierra y Sandra Forero
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Application of the 6 minute walk test and the modified Borg scale in subjects with different types of cancer

Archivos de Medicina, 13(1):41-46, 2013
Moreno Collazos, J. E. and Cruz Bermúdez, H. F. and Angarita Fonseca, A.
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Reliability of a questionnaire to determine non-specific low back pain and its characteristics in school children aged 7 to 12 years

Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor, 20(5): 207-215, 2013
Fonseca, A.A. and García, C.L.A. and García, M.C.V.
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Life quality measurement through the QLQ-C30 questionnaire in subjects with different cancer types in the city of Bucaramanga-Colombia

Enfermeria Global, 12(2): 294-303, 2013
Cruz Bermúdez, H.F. and Moreno Collazos, J.E. and Angarita Fonseca, A.
Publisher's website BibTeX
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