Publications : SecondAuthor

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Reliability of the Scale of Barriers for Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Colombian Population

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Apr;18(8).
Jácome Hortúa AM, Angarita-Fonseca A, Villamizar Jaimes CJ, et al.
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Blood glucose response to two intensities of physical exercise in young women during fasting

Archivos de Medicina del Deporte: 305-309, 2018
Sánchez-Delgado, J.C. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Aguirre-Aguirre, C.L. and Aguirre-Rueda, D.M. and Pulgarín-Araque, R.D. and Pinzón-Romero, S.
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Association between gross motor function and nutritional status in children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study from Colombia

Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 58(9): 936-941, 2016
Herrera-Anaya, E. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Herrera-Galindo, V.M. and Martínez-Marín, R.D.P. and Rodríguez-Bayona, C.N.
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Barriers for the participation in cardiac rehabilitation programmes in patients undergoing percutaneous revascularisation due to a coronary disease

Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia, 23(2): 141-147, 2016
Sánchez-Delgado, J.C. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Jácome Hortúa, A. and Malaver-Vega, Y. and Schmalbach-Aponte, E. and Díaz-Díaz, C.
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Health related quality of life and urinary incontinence in women with overweight and obesity in Bucaramanga, Colombia

Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 13(1): 63-76, 2015
Carreño, L.M. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Pinto, A.L. and Delgado, A.N. and García, L.M.
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Achievement of technological and scientific capacity in physical therapy services of Bucaramanga and Floridablanca

Revista de Salud Publica, 17(2): 254-266, 2015
Pinzón-Ochoa, M.I. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Niño-Pinzón, D.M.
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Participation in a fitness and functional capacity program in patients undergoing angioplasty for acute coronary syndrome

Fisioterapia, 37(3): 112-119, 2015
Sánchez-Delgado, J.C. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Parra-Patiño, J.
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Effects of functional training program in core muscles in women with fibromyalgia

Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 13(1): 39-53, 2015
Pinzón-Ríos, I.D. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Correa-Pérez, E.A.
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Knowledge toward healthy housing in two neighborhoods from Bucaramanga, Colombia – 2012

Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud, 46(2): 169-176, 2014
Gutiérrez Zehr, J. and Angarita Fonseca, A. and Morales Ramírez, E. and Tarazona Suarez, A. A. and Valderrama Carrasco, A. M. and Mejía Betancourth, S. Y. and Solano Gutiérrez, L.
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Characterization of the disability in a sample of children with Cerebral Palsy from Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area, Colombia

Revista Facultad de Medicina, 61(2): 185-194, 2013
Martínez-Marín, R.P. and Angarita-Fonseca, A. and Rojas-Gutiérrez, M. and Rojas-Pérez, K. and Velandia-Rojas, E.
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